It's been an awesome day so far. I've been busy doing work so time is just flying by - just the way i like it really! I managed to get lots of sleep in the weekend so i'm feeling energized and ready to take on the world!
Oh i have awesome news...Toby and I found us a flatmate. She's a lovely girl from Welly who's moving up for the Massey campus (bigger and better) in Palmy! I'm so happy about it because it's been a weight on my mind for a while now. Toby and I shifted into our little apartment 2 years ago. It isn't the cheapest place to live but we were willing to pay for the privacy that we'd get. I was so tired of living with people so it was a breath of fresh air. But now, since i'm moving away, it was a toss up between Toby shifting out too and getting a cheaper place or us getting a flatmate. Those of you who know me would know how much of a fussy-pot i can be so although we've had quite a few interested people come round none of them have stood out in a good way. This girl however, i had a real good vibe when i first met her, she came with her mum which i think is so sweet and reminds me of me and my mum..hehehe..and she's been overseas. I say this a lot but it's only because i think it's so obvious - people who have gone out of their comfort zone, ie going overseas or even having the urge to see outside the world that they're used to often have a different demeanor as well as a fresh and open outlook on life in general. I love that...people like that ooze confidence and they're interesting, talking to them is a two way process...Anyway, she's been lovely so far so i'm looking forward to her moving in. I think Toby is going to be in Melbourne the weekend that she's moving and settling in so hopefully we'll get to bond and create perfect harmony in the flatmate realm hahaha...
At this very moment, i am waiting for Dori Fish to hurry up and be done with her shower...and for a certain Linny Lau to hurry up and come online too. I miss my girls, i was getting all sad the other day talking to Linny about it but i've realized that i have something to be happy about. I have two of the coolest best mates in the world so...why am i complaining?! I'd rather have them across the planet than to not have them at all. I've had the pleasure of meeting some seriously awesome people in my lifetime, i am very grateful but i am only 22 so i guess i've got many more people to meet...Damnation, i was thinking of becoming a hermit remember? There goes that plan...hahahaha
Toby's having his second last exam today so my fingers are crossed while i'm typing this. He's really looking forward to his trip to Melbourne too. I was talking to one of his mum's friends at lunch today. Funnily enough, just a background so you will understand why it is funny - now Toby's been writing for the Uni student paper, his column is called Popular Opinion. It is very provocative and naughty because the boy has a keen ability to create a logical argument when it comes to the most insane topics. His first entry was about how hippies were actually worse than the Nazis. You think that's impossible? You should read his article, he's very persuasive...ANYWAY...i was actually having lunch with my boss and his wife when Toby's mum's friend joined us. She asked me how i felt about Toby's articles, i said that he was warned to never mention me...she laughed. Then of course we had to explain to my boss and his wife what we were talking about...they thought it was so very amusing and i'm sure were wondering how me, Miss Goodie-Two-Shoes would have gotten caught up with this rogue hahah. Most poeple that have read his articles love it though; he is extremely witty and very skilled with language. We were over at his mum and her partner's place last night, we always have Sunday dinners with them and we got to talking about The Secret...yes yes i have recently gotten into it all but Toby, being the Science Geek thinks it's a load of hogwash but anyway...his mum was so cute. While we were having a heated discussion i walked into the kitchen where she was to get a glass of water after saying to Toby that as long as The Secret will work for someone and change their lives, why does it matter if it is scientifically proven or not? She giggled and whispered to me..."I'm so glad Toby has a girlfriend like you, you two are a good balance for each other." Isn't that just the sweetest? She's so lovely, her birthday is this weekend and Toby and i have a monster surprise planned. We're getting her a DVD player...I know it doesn't sound like much but she's a big movie buff and only has a VCR so now she'll be able to borrow DVDs too!! That reminds me, i have to go and have a look after work. That's one thing i am truly grateful for in this part of the world, everyone takes relatively good care of borrowed goods so borrowing DVDs from the library (normally costs like $2 at the very most) makes movies widely available and accessible to everybody. Not to be mean, but i can't see libraries back home having that facility...somehow, people would either use it to make pirated copies of movies to sell or something dodgy like that. I hope that someday they can set up the facilities for everyone's benefit though.
Right then...i might stop the happy ramblings here...i'm just having the nicest day...I hope you are too...
Much love..
Sewing Room
10 months ago
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