I had an awesome night out with Toby last night. We went to our fave Japanese restaurant "Hana Mizuki" and watch Ocean's 13 afterwards. It was so nice to finally be able to just chill out without having to worry about work or exams. Yes it is common knowledge that i'm an empathetic worrier, i worry when other people are worried =P. The movie wasn't as good as i thought it would be though. I loved Ocean's 11 and actually think that was the best out of the 3 movies they made. Saw trailers for a couple of new movies that i'm super keen on:
(1) Harry Potter - Order of the Pheonix I'm so excited about this...it comes out on July 11 here. It's going to be AWESOME!
(2) Ratatouille - It's about a rat who goes to France to pursue his dreams of becoming a chef. Adorable...and i'm a sucker for movies with cooking themes...leading me to the next movie...
(3) No Reservations - Starring Catherin Zeta-Jones and the gorgeous little girl from Little Miss Sunshine. Out on July 27...YeeYAH!
Oh and i bumped into my Jayme at the movies and as usual she was talking a mile a minute. Glad she's feeling better though and the antibiotics are working! That's me and Jayme at Toby's 21st Birthday Pre-party. She's such a darling..

Athena and i always have extensive D & M's when we're together so hopefully we'll have more time to talk in the weekend. She was telling me about this mysterious plan she's made (naughty girl won't reveal any details...hehe) which made me start wondering about what my life plan is at the moment...
I hope to have this job at Massey til August. Then i'm shifting to Auckland for my new job. I'm also planning to work for 2 years before taking a year off to travel. In other words, 2009 is my year for travel. I've had a look at the sort of trips i can make fairly cheaply but you have to be under 26 to get those deals so i'm heading off before then. I plan to have my own company by 2012 - and want to be living in Barcelona. So yeah...i guess i do have a plan.
Where does Toby fit in all of this you ask? Absolutely anywhere that he likes...We had a chat last night and came to the conclusion that we've always had this unspoken plan...settling down one day together would be primo but now is not the time. He wants to study and travel, so do i. We actually want to visit different countries separately (he wants to do Africa while i'm keen on the USA), well we'll meet up all over the globe then. We're easy when it comes to each other...i don't want to stifle him, we're young and there are so many experience waiting for us out there and i know it's the same with him. There is no way in hell that Toby would ever stop me from pursuing my dreams. Perhaps that might be the key to a solid relationship? I'll let you know when i know...hehehe
Hugs and Kisses...
solid relationship. Nothing will stop u..nor shud u let it from doing what u want to do. Im glad Toby has the same mind set as u:)
Awww...nice post Deb...I miss u..again and again..
sound arrangement methinks. =)
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